Gravitation Wiki
Series Name
Season One, Episode 1
Episode Guide

gravitation episodes

There are 13 episodes in Gravitation, including an OVA.

  1. Shuichi needs to finish the lyrics for Bad Luck's newest song, but he can't seem to find the right inspiration. After a long day, while walking home through the park, his precious lyrics are snatched from his hand by a gust of wind--and carried directly to the hands of a tall, blond stranger. This stranger has absolutely no reservations as he bluntly declares Shuichi talentless and amateurish.
  2. Yuki's sister Mika is married to the great producer Seguchi Touma, who used to play in the band Nittle Grasper, of which Shuichi is a fan. To succeed, Shuichi's band, Bad Luck, must obtain Touma's support. Yuki's sister proposes a deal to Shuichi - he will convince Yuki to recontact his family, and she will ensure her husband's support for Bad Luck. Shuichi refuses the deal, but decides to convince Yuki to see his family anyway. Yuki suspects his sister's involvement, which annoys him because he thinks Shuichi capitulated. His annoyance can be seen in the concert which becomes a total fiasco. Fortunately, Ryuichi Sakuma, the experienced singer of Nittle Grasper was in the audience, invited by Touma, and helps them. This greatly cheers Shuichi as he is singing with his idol.